On-Campus Grocery Store

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There is a place called the cellar, which is kind of just like a Grow grocery store on campus. The one big criticism that I have about the cellar is that it's it's pretty overpriced, with some things that you could find a way better prices if you goto Safeway or Order on Wool Line. The it's much more convenient to be able to go to the cellar and you spend your meal points, not actual money if you went to Safeway. You in the cellar sells monster energy drinks for three fifty a can, but if you buy them on Amazon, you could get a twenty four pack and end up only spending like a dollar fifty a can. So there are things like that, but I've been trying to do while in college just to kind of save money. If you have extra meal points at the end of your quarter on Ly one hundred will transfer over quarter to quarter quarter to quarters. So if you have extra, you could just go down to the cellar and spend them there. Since you can't spend them, I'm at Safeway or on Amazon or anything like that. Meal points you can only spend at Benson and at the cellar and in the flex points you can spend at the off campus vendors, which there are about twenty of, I believe.