Dorm Tour
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I live in the dorm swig, which is the biggest building on campus, and it houses about four hundred students, with the majority of them being freshman. Swig is known as more of the social or party dorm, which is fun, and it has a really good chametz community of leaving your door open and letting your friends drop by. It's also that can cause it to be a bit harder to do homework in the actual dorms. I'll give you guys a tour of the of a double, which is what I'm in here in Santa Clara. So mow My favorite part about the dorms here is that we have a sink, which has been really great to be able to just not have to go to the bathroom in orderto brush your teeth and all that. They're too closet with Dural with drawers, one for each roommate. I play guitar, so I brought it, but I wanted to keep it safe. So that's what the big cases up there We got the desks which with drawers, My, my roommate isn't as clean as me, so that's why you can see It's a bit more of a mess on his side here. We I haven't had any issue with fitting over stuff everywhere. So plenty of storage space, fridge and microwave and fan. We brought those, but they've been a great convenience, tohave but not really necessary. You're not allowed to nail or screw into any of the wall. So a big thing to use here are the Velcro command strips, which are surprisingly, really strong, and I even you use them to hang up my skateboard here, which is electric and probably weighs fifteen to twenty pounds. There are many different housing options here of Santa Clara, So swig is all just hallways of dorm. Swig has singles, doubles and triples, but the majority of the dorms here are doubles swigs, eleven storeys tall. As I was saying, it's the biggest building here on campus. So I live on the fifth floor, which it's a beautiful view. I live on the campus side, So Swig is known that the camp beside is kind of better than the street side of the building just because street side gets a lot more sun, so it can be a lot harder during the days. Now that it's getting more closer, the winter is cooling down. There are some different dorms here that have the traditional sweet layout. Then there are kind of fancier villa storms for the majority upperclassmen, some dorm room essentials here at Swig that I have found to be the most helpful toe have so far. I haven't been here for super long, so I'm sure I'll find more. Some of the biggest things I've found to be really helpful have been fan. Like I was saying, it can get hot, especially more towards the beginning of the year and then that end of the year when I get hot when it gets hot again. Hasn't been a huge thing that we're really happy we brought, but it's good to have. Like a wave can be great just for heating up some food or just making a quick meal. If you don't have time to go to Benson, which the dining area here Santa Clara, Some other essentials. Just things like bringing a desk lamp, some pencil holders, just things to stay organized and toe be able to keep track of all your school supplies.