Day in my life

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I'm a freshman here at Santa Clara University, and I'm from San Francisco, California So San Francisco's only like an hour. So I decided to say close, but the weather here in Santa Claire is much nicer, so that's been great. I am majoring in math, but of trying to transfer the mechanical engineering, which is between school. So we'll see how that goes, but that's the goal. I'm gonna start by just giving you guys a tour of the dorm and different, explaining some of the different dorm and layoffs that we have here to offer a Senate. Well, it's the next day, and now Nat and I here are off to Benson, which is the main dining hall here on campus. There is only one, because campus isn't super huge. It's only about six thousand people in the school, so it's not massive. Oh, we're off to that has many different options for food. We're at Benson out getting breakfast fences, breaking in on ice. There's just the standard burger pizza, Garrido then we have met a trainee in and some other specialty ones that change up the menu day by day give you a little view of Benson here. It's usually not too busy here, but it definitely can get hectic, especially or around the burger area and the burrito area. I thought I'd talk a bit more about the dining hall here, so I showed you guys a bit of the inside of it. I also want to mention that there's also a cafe that I forgot to point out. There are other cafes kind of scattered throughout campus, in different buildings. Um, one of the holes has a cafe that I have classes in. I don't have classes in in every hall, so I'm sure there could be more that I don't even know about the letters haven't seen. Then there are are also some of the some places out. Benson change the the meal ever every day, so you can always go to one of those. If you're not trying to have a burger every day or pizza every day or something like that, all right here's Lucas, who's a friend of mine from the same floor, and he's now going to talk about his experience here and some tips to seniors in high school. I say when it comes to academics, I think it really depends on what you're studying. I am like thinking about changing it, I don't know. I think the business school's not too bad. People said it's not too bad. I think it just depends on what you're going in studying and how much that you studied that already before. So I think everyone that's coming in here, they all kind of come from a family that it's really nice. So that's like a really, really nice and every I think. It's really cool how well they fit you into dorms, because some of the chaos that happens here. Diego and I are here at the one of the main interest is to campus and figured we'd show you the admissions building here, which is where you'll go if you guys come and visit the school. This is one of the nice views of campus with the fountain and then the mission Church in the back There, um, we're just gonna keep skating their campus here, OK? Cory, who also lives on fifth floor, has some things he wants to talk about the school and specifically the business school. I'm from Palas Verdes, California and I'm a student in the Levy school business here at Santa Clara. If you're interested in studying business here, I would highly suggest two in your application to apply as business undeclared. If you apply for an economics major, you will not be in the levy school business. You would be in the Arts and science school, which has a very hard transition rate to get into the business school. So that's just one tip for anybody interested in business. Otherwise, on the school's a great fit for I've found nearly anybody, and I hope that you have a nice application process.