Classes: Discussion vs Lecture

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Hey, I wanted to talk a bit now about class size and how it's been for the classes that I've taken so far. With this being my first quarter here at Santa Clara, I haven't taken tons of classes, so I'm sure there will be some of different sizes and the ones that I'm taking right now. The classes that I'm taking right now, they're all relatively small. Um, I'm taking Chemistry eleven math, eleven English, one A, which is called C T dub W, which stands for critical thinking and writing that I'm also taking Mech ten, which is a mechanical engineering class. Um, and then I'm also taking a chemistry lab that kind of goes along with the chemistry eleven lecture. Um, so my c t w English class is ah mohr discussion based class that does have some lectures. There is a There are also activities we do in class and breaking up into small groups and class with, kind of for me, feels more like how my high school was, Mom. Then my math, my math lecture, chemistry, lecture and met tend. Those are all just sitting and just taking notes, and sometimes for chemistry. They'll be doing practice problems and stuff, but it's mainly just take notes and then for the chemistry lab, it's totally different. You have to lair, lab coat and goggles and you're actually doing elaborate every class.