Who and what influenced me to pursue my EMBA | Brenda Aho

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Hi my name is Brenda a hole and I have just completed santa Clara University's Executive NBA program. Now the person and experience in my life that has influenced my decision to pursue an executive. NBA was actually my father Now, although education is very prevalent in my generation in my family. Um my father did not graduate middle school and he has run his own sole proprietorship as a concrete contractor for the last 40 years. He was a single father since I was 12 and he worked really, really hard to give me the life and the opportunities that have been reported to me today as a little girl, I watched him shoulder the burden of running a business on his own and although he is absolutely excellent at his trade um he was just one person and so he was sort of limited as to how far he could scale the business under those circumstances. So when he retires the business retires, his talent retires. My decision to pursue an executive M. B. A. Was influenced largely by this experience, an awareness that there are so many others out there, like my father who are absolute masters at their trade, they are so good at what they do yet. They are either limited by the resources that they have available to them to scale their business um or by their understanding of what's available to them or what is possible for them. So my sort of partnership with santa Clara University in developing my education really gives me the platform and the opportunity to sort of invest my time, my leadership, my education, my energy on helping people such as my father to develop a succession plan, help their business scale, help them to understand what it will take for them to build a legacy that will outlive them and pass on to the many generations that come after them.