SBCC Campus Tour

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I am going to show you campus and I'm starting at the West campus and this is what it looks like here is the center of the view from the West. Campus Center is great and your public have classes from this building. This is also where four minutes In the same building you have West cafeteria. Here, you can grab a snack and you're studying burn. Most classes are also next to interdisciplinary center is library and get this amazing there and in the library building, you can also find writing. Resource is on so you can get health to fried better as face. Here you can see the closest about the complex of each city you can see from bridge that is between West and East campus. So when you're on the campus, you can go to people building and life fitness center. You can also find the sports pavilion hair disease in the Stadium is right next to the building where all games are, and a lot of people have their Pete classes out here, too. Can't the store where you can find all your bugs classes here is our that leads to be cafeteria. He's cafeteria is bigger than West Cafeteria, and there are also other resources in this morning's Here's a Student Services buildings. Among them, you can find your academic counselors and help services physical size and next to that field, biological sciences. Here is the digital arts building close to the East gift area, confined to English as a second language center. Next to these two carry find that humanity's building humanity's building is next to the human resource is buildings by the end of this road can find international education center. Here is another cool study spot like Great, I hope you like this video.