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So thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I really have the videos that you saw help and give you a better perspective on what it would be like to be a student here at Stanford. I really wish I had had some other students at different colleges that I knew about putting out videos because it definitely would have helped in my decision process. So anything help making my decision, I would just advise you to really focus on g. P a and like getting your work done these next couple of months because it doesn't matter. Same for Does a really good job of considering Deepa is a big factor versus just the T A c T, which I think is really important in my opinion for years should matter more than four hours. Means is one number just goingto affect your application. So still study and take your S A T s and C T as well. Ah, I would also just encourage you to not be discouraged. A friend groups don't work out how you think they will first. I had that kind of friend groups which in the middle of first semester. It's OK. I you know, you went through that phase. You'll get with your click and your routine of people that you're around, and it's just really amazing once, once that happened, so stick with it. Um I think you should give college a good, hearty try at least first semester. If you really aren't feeling it, then transfer it. I know plenty of people that I have transferred here, and I love it. I even a couple that are transferring to other schools. I have This has been helpful to you and thank you for going on this journey with me.