Bethany takes you through Propst and a lab!
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Here we have the conservatory that's located improves on campus. As you see, there's just like a lot of plant life and a place to come and walk around. If you have a break in between classes, especially science classes, it kept up by some of our science departments here, Sanford, in something that's not usually shown on toward, but something I've come to enjoy in between someone like chemistry courses. A lot of them have labels that explains the plant life you're seeing and just some of the care for it. Here we have a lot of our different succulents that might need to stay in a different type of temperature and air condition and just a really cool print life. Once again, this is space tow kind of relax in between classes and of plants or something you're interested in through a good place to come and familiarize yourself. Were brought me major or biology major and need to really rise with some of the plants. It's a good way to do that as well, and also see if you do want to do some homework or something else while you're in here. So this isn't organic chemistry lab layout and probes our science. We have these to make sure we don't and hell any harmful chemicals or get anything on her skin that could hurt us. That's a typical that for organic chemistry.