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I'm just enjoying lunch for Mose and I thought I would go over. So you're giving one hundred thirty bulldog books each semester as a freshman? I believe that's due to go up it. So you'll get the benefit of that. Bulldog Boxer just used to pay for food at places like Chick fillet Mo's Henry's, which is our coffee shop. Einstein's is another coffee shop in the library. Then we also have something called freshens, which is over in C hs are College of Health and sciences. Um, and so I just have that money to use a CZ you'd like instead of, like, real money. I guess at those places throughout this Messer, they do run out kind of pass if you're like me. I'm very busy and like to just grab stuff on the go sometimes to be aware of that assed fresh when you have the unlimited cuffs white plan. So that half which I showed early in this video has several different things to choose from to eat. For a freshman, you can swipe in and out as much as you want during freshman year. Yeah, that's kind of the freshman part passed freshman year. We'll get, like, twelve mil swipes next year, so that a sophomores. So that just means that you can go to the caf twelve times a day or when you go down from unlimited Millis wipes. You can use those swipes impressions to get meals as well, which is really nice. To be honest about our half, it is pretty good with it. We have a pretty good toss salad. An omelet bar for breakfast. You just have to be willing to wait a bit for those. Sometimes the rest could be questionable and repetitive. Yeah, I like to try to keep a couple things in my dorm room as well, just for late. I'm setting or just prison acted out the day when I'm not a silly wanting to get to the camp.