Bethany explains a week in her life!
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So I want to take some time to just kind of explain my schedule. I'm actually looking at my weak right now, so as you can see, that's going on. Tyler come into play during college and my opinion and some necessity. I keep track of all I need to do but just kind of explain my class schedule. I kind of did some in the morning and the afternoon, and it left me with a really awkward gap crime in the middle of the day. I'm not the best motivating myself when I could just their supplies with those around me. So I Reconstruction reconstructed my schedule this semester, and I have classes from nine fifteen to ten twenty and ten twenty, eleven, thirty five Monday, Wednesday, Friday. So I'm done by lunch, which is awesome, especially if you're like me and you want to get home right? Done. Maybe Yeah, go to the gym, but then still have some functions in different events to go to at night. I haven't A M and eleven a. M. Tuesday. Thursday is that ten to eleven gap that's left for combo I do. You usually go to combo on Thursdays because I'm done at twelve fifty on Thursdays. On Tuesdays, I also have my one two four o'clock lab that happens after my eleven a. M. So I kind of had combo a za break just in this time in my day and to just really get some food and have a little bit of time off before I go to my eleven o'clock in them. Um, I am in my eleven o'Clock are both two hours. Yeah, that's kind of my schedule Drew that were on the nights. So you went through my home church on Monday nights. Then there's one with my hall mates and some friends on Wednesdays nights, which was really sweet. We end up to socializing about half the time, too, but it's really awesome to have. My PJs, enjoy some track treats and just really get to be around girls, Which is awesome. Um, I also do intramurals, which usually that takes place on Thursday nights. Of course, depending on the sport you play and your captain that I'll change your schedule. Then on weekends, I really try to go out and have fun. Friday night and Saturday and Sunday is when I kind of hit the books again in the afternoon. Which, unfortunately Sunday's kind of laundry date Sanford. So you might have trouble finding a open washer dryer like take out the trash I usually go to redeem, which is my church in the morning. Then we have chapter at seven o'Clock for tryto at night. That's just a typical week, of course, that various based on the weak but.