Student Interview about Campus
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I am a junior here at Sam Houston State University. Why? Why did you choose this school? So I told Sam because I am a criminal justice major, and Sam is actually the number one school in Texas for criminal justice. So I told him, uh, please describe the student body, your school, So our student body is very first. So when I came here, I was more involved, you know, with other cultures in different kind of people. What's your major? I mean, you're described your radio anyways. Describe the academic climate like, how do you see? How do you like Sam Houston State University? Like, how is diverse? Is it like, friendly? Cozy? So Sam Houston is very friendly and very still Dorian. A lot of a lot of different ways to get around campus. It's not a very huge campus, so tastes may be about ten minutes to get to where you need to be going if you're going across Catholic. We do have very close parking lot, so they really do the students here. That's one of the best and the last question. What's your favorite? And the spare part of school and why my fairy possible is that they offer a lot of things like they do offer a lot of like raffles, concerts, carnivals. My least favorite part would have to probably be that it's ringing through a lot. So when you come here, obviously you need like rain boots umbrella and that That's it.