Student Interview
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I am a senior here at Sameness and State University and the Sergeant at Arms of Lambda Alba Absalon. Okay, um, how how would you explain why he chose this school? Well, I wanted to be an attorney ever since I was in sixth grade. Honestly, every time I ask somebody what you have to major to be an attorney or go to law school, everybody gave me all kinds of, like, half answers, and I really, really didn't understand. You know, associating criminal justice too, Being an attorney. So criminal justice in Sami's best criminal justice program. Uh, describe the student body at your school. Most of people that I came across her super friendly. So what's your major and describe the academic climate. I'm actually a double major justice in political science, and both of the major's themselves are very open out about advising on. Both of them are very open and very kind and helpful for you to get your diploma. Like that cadet college like how do you see, like, Sam Houston State. Yeah, Super drivers, even the organization's themselves. Obviously, there are some organizations that are more inclined to specific ethnicities and racist stuff like that. Organization that I'm in, we have very wide range of diversity. Final question was your favorite and least favorite part of squid. My favorite part are going to be the people that I mean, Honestly, the people that I meet here are extremely great from I'm from a small town of flash sexes. So whenever I move here, you know, it was bigger, but not too big and very homey. What's your least favorite? My least favorite thing would be for all the reading. You can do it Read. Trust me, it will help on your exams are perfect.