SHSU Campus Library

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You live here on campus, but itjust a library hours cannot actually access the computer lab after hours from the library. This is where you check out your books is where you have all the computers inside. There is like a little separate rooms, those conference rooms. There's many other things that that's good for availabilities. There's also all the books that you could check out for school research or any sort of that way, do also hold the university archives, which is you are president, organization or fraternity or sorority. We will see like how they ran it back in the day, how they started it up. You know, the history of it and just so on so forth. Way do uphold Thompson room special collections, which is which is holds, like in second videos. Also historical conduct of all United States, America, Texas, Anything that's like Norman you permitted. This is not the first floor, and this is actually called the main for you to have your Starbucks here. You see God, you have to go downstairs and take a left. That's basically your copy room, conference rooms and many other things that you need.