Upperclassmen On-Campus Apartments!

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What is up, you guys? I'm here at the Village apartments. This is primarily for upperclassmen students, so juniors and seniors in these apartments are super pretty and super nice. They're not like right in the heart of campus, which is kind of nice, especially since you're not surrounded by first and second year students. When you get a little bit older, it's kind of nice that you're on time. You're own part of campus down here, and there's one of the hammocks I was talking about that every loves to sit in. What's also super special guys about Slough is that they offer a two thousand dollar housing contract scholarship actually for upper class and students to live on campus. So you get two thousand dollars off your housing if you live on campus is an upperclassman student. There is like a deadline date, but it's totally reasonable and told Be manageable to turn that in on time. It's just a nice alternative to living in off campus housing. So these are the village apartment once again, which are on campus apartments for upperclassmen, students.