How Hard is the Schoolwork??

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So now I want to academics of Slough and just I want to give you guys a brief overview of how classes are how much the workload is here, uh, what to expect when you come here. So depending on your major, you will definitely have a varying amounts of schoolwork. Some classes are really difficult and have a lot of homework. Um, what classes you're taking, what teacher you have and how invested you are. I would be one hundred percent honest and transparency. I mean, a lot for my classes, but I have a four point. Oh, so I've reaping the rewards of that, but I definitely work hard. I probably spend anywhere from twenty to thirty hours studying a week, which sounds like a lot, but it's college that want to maintain those good grades. I'm sitting all day finals all day, but it's something to consider that if you want to get good grades, you do need a work for it here. It's not easy, eh? I mean, of course there are some classes like that, but you do have to work hard here. People really care about their education and how they're doing in their classes. So it's just something to consider if you are coming here and also our grating skills. Odd, say we sow and A is anything from a ninety two up. So if you get in ninety two, ninety one or ninety, that's an A minus, which actually lowers your grade point average, which is kind of a bummer. I feel like it makes me work a lot harder in my classes to get higher grades, and I really haven't had a problem with that. If you have any questions, the professors are amazing. They are one hundred percent here to help you and support you. I never feel like my teachers or my professors are, um, unattainable, especially in my lecture halls. I can even email them or shoot them questions air coming during their office hours, and they're so, so supportive, and they really encourage question asked. Simply consider it's not a piece of cake, but it's not horribly difficult where you cannot have a social life here on campus, either.