Grand Hall: A Look at the Study Rooms!

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We are currently in Grand Hall, which is my residence hall, and we are in one of the study rooms and there to study rooms on every single floor and grand. There are seven floors and grand starting with floor. To which is the first Rose Hall going all the way up to floor seven. Here is well, but this is our study room here at the end of the hall. This is at the very corner of the building, and they have these study room's going all the way up on every single floor and on the floors below. They're the perfect place to get your homework done, especially if you don't feel like taking the walk to the library. Sometimes on days like today, where it's raining outside, you do not want to go out there. So these study rooms are amazing and they always have people in them, and they're the perfect place to just come and study but also have some social life. We have two white boards for studying, and the other study room has a couple of tables in a TV in it, which is a bit more of a casual one. We have really big windows in here, which I absolutely love. It's so bright and cheery, and it makes you feel just a little bit better about studying pretty hard for your tests just out here while we're here. Then we also have grease, which is all for first year students, and that floor has for that building has sixteen floors in it. Over there, that's the entrance to Grand Hall, which I will for sure give you guys a tour of. This is our little humble study room, which is just a perfect place to come and get your homework done.