Taking an Online Course at SLU School for Professional Studies with Rick
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I took my course online and there are a couple advantages of course of being online a little bit about my background. I was in the radio industry for 50 years and then I retired and I saw this course cannabis science and operations offered at ST Louis University and it was an online course. So the online course advantages to me no set class times. You can take your class at seven morning, seven at night, two o'clock in the morning, whatever is convenient for you, there's no driving to and from the campus, you can juggle your other responsibilities if you have kids or if you have a job, the online course is a great way to take the cannabis Science and operations information. The cannabis science and operations of course offers you lectures every week by the instructors. Also by guest speakers. We were given links to various articles that were of course cannabis industry related. We were given videos, ted talks and youtube videos of other canvas industry. And we also interacted with other students via discussion posts and via uploading our own pictures and videos that were class related. So the course I took also offered you the opportunity to talk your instructors once a week via zoom calls. So there was a lot of interaction, a lot of sharing between students and between the instructors.