The Diverse Student Body at St. Ambrose with Emily
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My other favorite thing about Ambrose is the diversity of the student body. Um There's so many people here who come from all over the country, so I'm originally from Chicago, which is about three hours away from home. Um but I know people who came here from California from florida, even some people here who are from England and New Zealand. Ambrose really does have such a wide variety of students from places from all over the world, which has been so cool to get to meet other students, it's super easy to make friends here. So freshman year I um signed up to do a random roommate and I'm now a senior and I'm still living with the same roommate I met freshman year, as well as two other girls that were on our floor right across the hall from us freshman year. So now we're all seniors getting ready to graduate in May and we've lived together for the last four years. Um but even though we're graduating soon, I know that these are lifelong friends that I've made here that I've been living with and as well as all of the other people in my classes, I'm so thankful that we all chose to come to an Rosen about each other.