Choosing St. Ambrose for the Community with Emily
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Ultimately, the reason that brought me to ST Ambrose University was the strong sense of community I felt when I visited campus. When I toured here, it was just great to see my tour guide saying hi to so many people and telling me about all the things that she was involved in on campus. It just made me want to come here and get involved right away. I've been in so many clubs since freshman year and I'm still friends with people that I met my freshman year as well, which is awesome. Everybody here is so welcoming and accepting of you and it's super supportive at Ambrose. You will be supported and encouraged and all that you do and you're pushed to follow your passions and it's just a really great place to live and learn. I hope this gave you a little bit of insight on why I chose to Ambrose and why I think it would be a great fit for you to go bees.