The Yard on College Avenue Campus
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Okay, so right now I'm on the College Avenue campus and I'm at this place called the Yard. The one downside about this is that they don't take meals. Wipes, which sucks, for, you know, people who have meals, wipes, but they do have some good spots. Have ah, general store over there on that wei have a taco and we haven't. Are you hungry? And are you hungry? Is pretty special to rookeries. Uh, because that's where you could get the famous fat sandwich. Um, and that's just kind of something unique about Rutgers. Because if you finish the fat sandwich, I think in a certain amount of time or whenever you get your name on the board, so that's pretty cool. Then crispy pizza is also pretty famous around here, and they're opening open elevation burger. So this is something that's also pretty nice about the yard. They just have this like big t v. That play sports. You know, sometimes we'll play like Halloween Weir. He's doing hauling time and, you know, just other movies and then they just have kind of, like chairs out and everything for people to kind of relax. So they also have this place called Scarlet Sweets, and they're opening up in elevation burger here soon as well. They got dirty, make subs this's joyner your inner truth apartment. These are just apartment for, like, upperclassmen and everything. Yeah, personally, for me, I think the downsize fact that none of these places take meals wipes because it would definitely help out a lot of people.