Showing off Alexander "Club Alex" Library

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It's the biggest library on campus on probably the nicest on College Avenue campus, and I'll be showing you all threw it in a little bit. I have a class right next to the School of Communication Information. A lot of academic belongs to just use from lawful purposes. So I'm taking a history class and the I guess com school. So this is the walkway upto Alex library on the cart. We caught club Alex, because at the end of the year, seniors get to go in here in party, they move all the stacks aside, and I think they do a party of something I'm not exactly sure exactly will consist of, But I've heard it's the party, so we'll be there Mom, when I graduated in May. So yeah, this is Alex library over here. There's some monument slash artwork thing right here, and I'm walking you through, but this is I was in the library. I'm walking into the school for communication information right now, so I'll see you on the other side.