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If anyone watch my other video where I had, like, broken nails, I got my nails done. I am wearing my rutgers shirt today because I'm doing a video, all about records. I was requested to do this video, so I'm really, really excited to share it. So if you don't already know about you to my channel Welcome. I did four years of undergrad at Rutgers and sounds like I just graduated to May, Actually, and I'm back on campus in a massive program I kind of looked at. Is reputation occurs, is one of the most well known schools I want to say in the nation I'm not gassing. Records has a very big record reputation nationwide. I would give reputation overall of 4.5, and I give it 4.5 just because in the most recent years how things have been going with, like athletics and people just not being friendly towards other schools. Coming to Rutgers means that you know, you definitely have something to brag about onto the location. A 3.5 location is not bad being in New Brunswick, literally in the center of Jersey, where about 40 minutes by train to New York, Um, on our from Philly soul. You can pay $17 round trip for a coach bus that goes from literally downtown New Brunswick, which is across the street from the train station and will take you to New York roundtrip, $17 that is so lit because they trained. You hear Rutgers, which was amazing there, believe I believe like 100 majors. Study in the classes can be really, really big to really, really small. Social life here is not all about parties you know, ah, lot of clubs and organizations hosts really, really large scale events and balls and Gallus and just really amazing things that are like student run in student led. Um, you could almost always find something to do every week. Obviously, if you're into the party scene as far as a food food, I give Rutgers of 3.5. As someone who is Nigerian and enjoys tasty food, it's no, I wouldn't give it a four at Rutgers. They really, really try, like with some, you know, Latin food and all that. Rutgers is a very fiber school, meaning there's lots of different, um, backgrounds and ethnicities represented here. People from literally everywhere from different walks of life go to records just really amazing. Um, this includes, like the student centers and like you know, But after rooms and libraries, I give it like a 3.7. Some of the buildings here are really, really, really, really, really old. Um, the newer buildings that have been like reconstructed are really nice. Yeah, I give housing in 3.5 Internet, are you? Wireless? Sometimes is the bane of my existence. Sometimes I give it a 3.51 really amazing thing. Overall, what would I give rockers? I should probably do the math rate. I'm gonna round up and give Rutgers of Fort Point. Oh, because it's my alma mater on It's really freaking amazing. I literally, um, studying what I'm truly interested in at one of the best schools in the road to study it at, so that might be a big factor. Oh, I'm talking really positive about it positively. I know I'm talking really, positively about Rutgers, but I just wanna let you know I should've said this in the beginning. Um, I really hope this video was helpful for you if you enjoy this video. Let me know by leaving me big, like leaving a thumbs up. That's the best way for me to know that you enjoy these college videos. If you have anything in particular that you want me to focus on, let me know in the comments section. If anyone watch my other video where had, like, broken nails? I got my nails done. Well, it's really bad Like I'm off if fear. I still don't know, like the school and boom, or I don't know what's called the one that's like on the banks of Theo. I don't know the whole fall, Almost the words I know like the hook or the chorus, whatever it's called. Maybe by the time I should add that kind bucket list By the time I graduate, I want to know believe half of on the Banks Song..