Quick Facts About Rutgers!!1
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I'm gonna do some quick facts about my school. So the first one is, How big is my school? And basically there's about seventy thousand students from all fifty states, and we're like very like international twos. We have about one hundred twenty five countries, you know, students from they're coming here to undergrad Wise. We have about forty nine thousand and eighty percent of that. Our New Jersey residents and the rest is out out of state. Not just ethnicity, ethnicity wise, but also like Major wise and like career Rice. Because we have over, like, one hundred fifty undergrad majors, S O one of the most popular ones is by medical and health sciences. With art, music and theater of the Mason Gross School of the Arts, they have vigorous training under professional working artists. Then so there's a Rutgers conservative conservatory at Shakespeare's Globe program in London. Instead, you brought two, but also we have very, like, well known, you know, figures I have, like, graduated from here and went on to do great things. So if you talk, we're talking about, you know, the Mason gross school right now, Sebastian, Stan, who isn't Captain America and he's in the Marvel movies. You know, we had people from the business school, you know, people doing biomedicine and even political science going on to do great things, so yeah, it's pretty great. Yeah, we have about twenty in schools and colleges, and we're home to New Jersey's most extensive and diverse diversified network of research laboratories, some of the best clubs and organizations on campus. I'm gonna be a bit biased here, Rusa, which is student assembly. Because it's just a great, like not just a great networking opportunity, but wth e environment there is just very, like, positive and like for me as a first year student, I just, like, just like trying to get involved in whatever like, I didn't realize how much I would end up liking that. Yeah, overall, there's literally because Rutgers is so big. Um, the student involvement fair that happens in the beginning of the year for where all the clubs kind of lineup on College Avenue with they're like little table. Yeah, there's like clubs, charity work, you know, clubs that are like we have dance clubs. You know, we just there's just so much going on here and there's There's something for everyone here, and that's what's great about Rutger is being so big. Um, and you know, we are also part of the big ten week um, and then rockers New Brunswick offers Division one athletic. Then I want to show you video leader of me at a football game. So even if you don't want to be like Division one, we have intramural sports only out of sports like club, sports team and everything. So there's there's a lot of, like variety of how you can get involved. Yes, I'm defining features of my campus and community. I was just, you know, New Brunswick is so different from, you know, Newark in Camden because we have in itself or different campuses, as I showed you Livingston, College Avenue, Bush and then cook Douglas. Um, yeah, so each other has its own little vibe to it and everything and just what makes it a standout. We're also just basically intertwined when you printed the city of New Brunswick. Um, so it's just great, like to so much to do and, yeah,.