Lucy Stone Hall Tour and Mail Services

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So the Livingston campuses of both the living and learning campus. There is multiple academic buildings throughout there, and you two go class there and then the quads. There's two towers where a freshman and sophomores living. This is one of the academic buildings here on Livingston campus. There's going, and there's some bridges connecting it all. It's not too bad. Finding request if you like at school. I thought it would be bad at first trying to find my way to all the classes. You have a whole week here before classes start and you go around, find your classes. It's It's way easier than I thought would be that I get around, find classes, even though the campus is so big. Um, it's really just not that bad. One Ah, cool part of campus that I don't really know. I got here is the mail system, a lot of students or two textbooks and phone chargers? And I wanted so many things on Amazon, and I was wondering, like how for all these people, how did they get you your packages? And it's a pretty cool system. So when you have a package delivered, they send you an email and then you come up to one of these key off and there's all these mailbox and you and you swipe your rudd here, your little I D. Card. Then you type in the code and these mailbox pop open and you take your package out, and it's just as easy as that. So this is one of the lecture halls here in Lucy Stone a CZ. You can see it's pretty update on the inside. There's about fifty or sixty seats here, and there's a chalk board up there and all the classrooms like they don't look the same. All that there's there's a small lecture hall, which I would. I would call this a small lecture hall because there's like it's like an auditorium style, and it's like a small lecture hall, a medium style lecture hall, a large lecture hall. Then there's also classrooms which desks like more like a high school classroom. These are I kind of like the lecture hall because you're not like being like force to the work. If it's a class that you're pretty comfortable with, you kind of set in the back and take it easy not to, like, be actively taking notes. Knowing what? We don't know what you're talking about and you don't know the class. You guys sit up front and make sure you're really paying attention. I have not experienced any classrooms that were like, under functional or anything.