Advice to Incoming Freshman!

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Okay, so now I'm going to give advice to incoming freshman until the first one is, if you could have one piece of advice to your high school self, what would it be? And it would be to not stress. I mean, as hard as that is to say, time will tell and basically being patient and just understanding, like time and like time management, is literally the best girl you could have because you I need to understand that like some things are just goingto happen and like, you won't have an answer to it right then and there. Also like timewise, not just, you know, being patient, but also managing your time. So you really like when I wish I knew, But well, I mean, high school did prepare me for this, but it's on a whole nother level. When you get to college like that, you need to really manage your time because, especially coming into college, your schedule isn't like seven a. M till a two thirty PM anymore. It's like on Monday it's nine a M toe like twelve p m. And then, like Tuesday, it's not until five thirty PM. So, like, you have to learn that even though there's those big blocks between your schedule, those box get filled really quickly with clubs and have to go to office hours for your professors and everything she had. Definitely. One other thing is that you have to take a minute of professors office hours because they're here to help you, and they will help you. Um, something that they didn't tell me on my tour that I wish I knew. Um, I personally don't think they helped me figure out how to use the bus system here, because, yeah, Rutger's because it's so big, you have to get use a bus to get everywhere. So the Rutgers I just kind of had to figure out on my own, So they talked about it, but not to the extent that I wished. Um, so definitely wants you download the workers app. I would just look over all the buss like all the buses and just see, like, Okay, this is goes here and this goes here. Just also be open, because when you're open, there's just you're open to so many opportunities and you're definitely gonna find something that you like here. Like that's the great thing about Rocker is because it's so big, you're not tied down at whatsoever. Like if you don't want to do this one thing, you can go find something else and just be involved. Like being involved is the greatest thing because outside of classroom, it can help you D stress, too. If it wasn't, if I wasn't involved, like I probably like, I don't know how else my freshman year so far would turn out like so, yeah.