Residential College Part 1: Explanation of System

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So let me explain a little bit about how on campus housing works there are eleven residential colleges, and the best way that I can explain that. It's kind of like the housing system at Hogwarts from the Harry Potter books, I think is usually what people use to describe the system. Um, and each student, when they come to Rice, is assigned randomly to one of the eleven residential colleges. Right now we're passing through McMurtry College. We don't have Greek life on rice because of the presidential college system. Um, they're all kind of different, and even the architecture and the type of rooms that are in each college are different. Some colleges have sweets, which is kind of like mine. Panel show you that in a little bit on DH. Some colleges have just normal dorm rooms where you have to live with a roommate. All of them have kind of a designated serve ary, which is kind of like the main cafeteria for each of the residential colleges. Each one has its own common room, which is kind of like where they right here. We're passing through some of the residential colleges or their common room right here is McMurtry. Uh, and right here is Duncan, and Okay, so this is a my residential college. This is Martel College on DH Here is kind of like the main entrance and you can enter through here on DH. Let me give you a little bit of tour.