Maria Shows Us Her Dorm Room

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This is where me and five other people live together. These are four of our rooms, and then there are two more rooms here and arrest. There's two sinks to stalls with toilets inside on two showers. We have our schedule so that we know where everyone is. We have couches and a TV. Then we have a little kitchen area as well, Where we kind of prepare food. This was actually built by the people that lived here before us. So this is very personalized, and it's for kind of guests that come in whenever we have parties. It's not as many as I would like it to be, but we have kind of this little wardrobe here has my shoes and my bags and then my clothes are inside. Then we have another kind of little drawer area, and I have all my toiletries and makeup up here. My bad. My favorite thing about my room is probably the way that I have my legs set up. It looks really cool at night, and then I have a little tapestry. It is a dorm room on campus, so you can't expect too much.