My Daily Schedule (Busy)!

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I don't know how much he'll be able to record in class just because I guess that have quizzes and stuff, but we'll see. It is, you know, a remembrance again about the Tigers, the river area. You've broken our agreement, and that's sort of like it's his mind those. That was the consequence of what, very Hey, guys. I hope that that daily routine video was informative for you. I am taking a full course load this semester, even though I'm a senior Esso on Monday, Wednesday Friday, I have three to four classes back to back, Um, so it's pretty intense. On Tuesday and Thursday, I have a really, really like course load on Tuesdays. I have no classes at all, and on Thursdays I only have one lab in the entire day. You pick your own classes, and this is the schedule that I picked just because it allows me Tio Goto work more often.