People's United Sports Center
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So the main arena we have, which is located on are your Kill campus, which I'm on right now is the Peoples United Center, which was formerly known as the TT Center. Now on the left side, we have the basketball arena, and the right side we have is our hockey arena inside their stations that you conveyed by Quinnipiac apparel, toe food, snacks, whatever you would want during the games. If you're wondering how to get tickets as a student, the school will send you an email which has all the games listed for the current week, and all these games are basketball games and hockey games, anything that would be located in this arena. You go on the website and it lists all the games and you just click on which everyone you want and it will say Generate ticket and every student ticket is free. It is only one free ticket per student, and there are plenty of basketball games and hockey games that will be going on throughout the whole year. One of our most popular events is the male hockey team against Yale. There is one specific date and time that they will send an email to all students where you can go online and try to generate your own ticket. Our men's hockey game one year was actually fortunate to go to the frozen for which was a really cool experience for our school. The Peoples United Center is located on your kill, which whereabout right now. It's right near all the student housing, which is also located on this campus. If you're wondering as a freshman, how are you supposed to get to this campus without a car? Don't worry. There's always shuttles that go between main campus New York Hill, and they're always running. So Quinnipiac is actually a D one school and fun fact. The women's frozen for will actually be taking place here in this arena and March.