Dorm Essentials!

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So now that you've used all of my sagely device device, So now that you've used all my sagely advice and figured out what dorm you're going to be living in this time to figure out what you're going to bring now, since I'm living at University Point and I have my own bathroom in my own kitchen, there's some things I haven't really needed. So a lot of this is what I'm using just off of the advice of others. Be sure to bring bed sheets and make sure that they're the right size. Before you move in, check online, check with people who are living there and see what size you need. Since my bed at home was a full, I had no problem getting the right size sheets, so the beds will. Actually, most of the beds are twin sized, so make sure that you have the right sheets because you kind of want that before you move in. Before you have all your stuff you've just unpacked. You're so ready for your first night in your new place and suddenly here, sleeping on a bare mattress. Make sure that you bring clothes hangers in case you have a closet. Once again check out the space and see what you need. Like I said, for example, on Dean doesn't have overhead lighting, so that's a huge necessity. If you are living in any of the dorms, it could be good to bring that sort of stuff so that you're not staying up really late and messing with your roommate by leaving the the overhead lights on when they're trying to sleep. If you're able to just turn on a desk lamp and get some studying done, that's good for you. Do not study with just your laptop in the dark. Take care of them now, so then we've got a laundry basket. Bring things that can hide stuff in places that are more compact because your room is always going to feel smaller than you expected it to be. I wasn't able to use the desk, so I had to take the closet doors off of the wall so I could put my desk in there. Bring like under bed, shoe storage, stuff like that, boxes that are able to hide under the bed, anything so that you're able to get that extra stuff out of the way because you don't want your stuff spilling onto your roommate side. He also don't want to have to live with a lot of stuff that you don't use every day. So then moving on to the bathroom, make sure that you have your towels. Make sure that you have all your toiletries before you move in. Make sure that you have your shampoo or your conditioner, your soap, and also, if you're going to be sharing a bathroom, bring flip flops, do yourself a favor and bring flip flops. You don't necessarily have to use them the whole time, but communal bathrooms, you don't know who's been in there. Bring whatever appliances you want to bring, but see if he can communicate with your roommates and see who's gonna bring what, like if your place doesn't have a kitchen, like if you're in the smaller on Dean rooms and you want to bring a mini fridge, maybe see if he can split the mini fridge or work out a deal where, like you'LL buy the mini fridge and something else will buy a toaster or a fan or something like that so that you don't feel like you're picking up the bill for stuff that both of you are going to be using. That doesn't mean that you have to share what you bring with urine, mate. If you really want to keep that mini fridge to yourself, let them know beforehand so they don't just assume that ear being like all hospitable and letting them use it. They'LL understand Also dishware Go to dollar tree, go take a year, get some cheap stuff You don't need to be using fine China the moment you move in. You figure out what works for you and just make it work like you might be using the undying dining Haller Smith's kitchen all the time. You might be going out to eat all the time, but it's still nice to have that stuff so that you can get a glass of water in the middle of the night so you can bring some Tupperware down to the ending dining hall and hide some stuff and bring it up for later. Also make sure that you bring all your important documents, especially if you're coming in from some other state from other some other city where you can't just call your mom or your dad and have them bring your birth certificate to you. Make sure that you have a copy of a bunch of important records. Keep him safe, keep him in some Manila folder envelope in your storage so that they're not out in plain sight for everybody, but have a copy of your birth, but have a copy of your birth certificate. Have a copy of maybe your driver's license here. If you have your insurance info with you, it's going to save you a lot of hassle of calling up your parents and getting all that info from them. Speaking of health, if you're on any specific medications, make sure that you either have enough for the time that you're going to be in Portland or find someplace that can get Teo. Thankfully, we're in downtown Portland, so you have a lot of resources for that. Find yourself somebody who can give you that before you moved down here, so that if that's not a possibility, if you're on some specific medications, you can talk to your pharmacist and say, Hey, I'm not going to be back until winter term can you give me a three month supply instead of one. Better than being downtown in Portland, several states away from where your used Teo and suddenly being out of something really important for your well being. People really want you to have a laptop here and just figure things out.