Resource Center Tour Part 1! Women's Resource Center and Queer Resource Center
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So I thought that today I tell you about some of the resource centers there are here on campus there really nice. There's a lot of really cool people there with a lot of resource is for people to use. Right behind me is the women's Resource center, so let's check this out. So here were in the Women's Resource center on the ground. So aside from having a killer plays list and lots of couches for awesome naps, it's also just a really good place for women. It's a safe space with one of the things that they promote is confidential advocacy. So they have a lot of resource is for people that are dealing with sexual harassment, relationship troubles, abuse anything like that. The resource is if you don't want to go directly to the school. A. A lot of women centric organizations like women of Wisdom, and they have a lot of groups about, like reproductive rights. There is this thing last year where there is this really hateful group, though is on campus putting up signs that were really anti anti woman, really, and they were able to do a counter protest and earn us all a thousand dollars for a Planned Parenthood is just a really good place. Honestly, it's not exclusive to women, like, if you're just needing these, resource is there, open to anybody, and I think it's just a good place to chill out, have some tea, hang out with friends and get the resource that get the resources that you need. If you really want to get involved, you can check him out on their website, which is, I mean, if you just Google PS, you W R c you'LL find them. It's my favorite of the resource is centers because I mean to be fair, it's the one that applies the most to me. See that Queer Resource Center? And there's a lot of people in there right now, and I don't know who would be comfortable with me filming. You're just gonna have to show up a PS you and check it out for yourself. I can tell you that Yes, you has a lot of LGBT Q plus inclusivity. There's a lot of things that they do to make sure that people feel comfortable on the cure. It's just a place where people can go to study and hang out with people. They have little snack times, and they have a lot of resource is for people. They also have a lgbtq library, which is really cool. So although I'm not gonna go in there today, definitely check it out.