The Heart of PSU
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Right now I'm sitting at the Portland State Park blocks, see around S O. Only about half of the park blocks in the city of Portland are considered Portland State park blocks. You can tell because we used the nice energy efficient lights. Then it changes, too, like really warm better lights when it gets to the city. The's park collapse there one blood walk, one block wide and maybe ten or eleven blocks north and south. It starts in north Portland, which is north of Burnside. That is the last block that you're seeing right there, where there's a play structure on and it's pretty neat. I would definitely consider the park park blocks to be the heart of important state. Our at the hello? Are you interested in Brooklyn? Yes. So right now we're at a party in the park where all of the clubs on campus have tables like so we have and they talk about their clubs. Will you talk about improv of a little bit or like, what else you doing campus? I only do improv. Stayed on in Brussels has been one of my greatest tapes of the week, so way. They want you to have three sources to be successful. You gotta go out to events like this in the Port St Martin Watts to find them. Uh, So this has been my one minute, and we'll probably two minute video on Kearney apart. This right here is our new SportsCenter that nobody wanted. Because if you like sports and you're into college sports don't come to Portland St anyway. It's where a lot of the like, architectures type things happen. It's definitely one of the most beautiful buildings on campus and one of the buildings I've been in the least because I don't know anything about architecture er and I don't really plan on learning Sorry. Every Saturday they have a farmer's market here at P s U right in the middle of the park blocks, and it gets kind of noisy, especially if you live on campus. There'll be a big Pipi will play and probably wake you up if you live on the park clock. So yet another reason to not live on campus We've got the library is also on the park blocks. This right here's Newberger, the building they're renovating. I talked about that in a different video, But you see, up here, all these tents and whatnot is them. I don't know who that is, but our people cleaning up their different boots that they had at the farmer's market. The farmers market is really rad. I'm sad. I can't show it to you guys this Saturday because today is actually my grandma's birthday. So I've been kind of busy with that happy birthday, Grandma Patty.