Meet Derrick- Penn State Scholar

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He made a little appearance, but Derek is going to talk to you guys a little bit about why he chose his major and academic culture. Biochemistry molecular biology major here at Penn State Mining and Microbiology. I say the BMB major's one of the most difficult majors in the College of Science just because it requires more studies, and that's a lot of replicated processes and a lot of different mechanisms. I just say each week I study around fifteen to twenty five hours and Justice and after Ron. Yeah, it's a lot I'm taking right now for science courses, and they're on the upper four hundred levels, so again requires much time to fully understand the different concepts. Then with integration of my minor, that's more lab work. So I'm pretty much in the lab all week as well. I say it's an excellent school for the biochemistry major because they don't teach you to memorize. Many of the students who are within the major do plan on going to different pharmaceutical works after graduation. Some of us are going to medical school hopefully, but many of them Warren, the major do plan to do to work under phD after this, so it's teaching them how to critically think about the different situations they're encountering, along with pretty much understanding these processes to make scientific breakthroughs Hope believe that Hasa based Eric yeah.