Lindsey and Maddie show you around a chemistry lab at Penn State!
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Looks like, and Maddie's gonna do some talking about it for me. Go ahead. So typically every lab is taught by TA that would typically, like, be here. Like all my shoes that I've had for the chemistry, they've been graduate students like this one. Then for bio lives, you have more of undergraduate teaching. The class is, um, that a regulated by, like the department chair, so typically say, becoming to lab. Then I basically have the chemistry labs work specifically, Are you coming? And you get like a manual. Basically, you just come in here and do your experiment, keep track of your whole entire experiment and then submit your lab book at the end. You come in and take it quest to your experiment and then you're done. Can labs are like, four hours, four and a half, but I'm typically typically the last times of them. It's It's much smaller than, like, so typically, like labs. I mean, I think there is only, like, maybe twenty something kids in here. The labs are broken down into much, much, much, much smaller groups. With, for example, I think they were saying, like, there was a nine hundred or, like, a thousand kids that are gonna be taking. Kim won thirteen this semester, and Wei have a lot of twenty people in one thirteen. So you still get that, like, personal interaction? Helpful because, like the camel at book you, they give you your experiment and you have to come and conduct the experiment. You obviously have so many questions throughout your graded on the accuracy of your quest actions, you answer and throughout the lab books. So then you get your Ta XI check and really, really kind of like engaging your learning and basically, like the whole idea behind the lab. Is that basically like what you're learning in lecture than even kind of apply an experiment and laugh. It's like the hands on principles of what you're like. They usually put all of the extra utensils that you'll need to conduct the experiment, and then any of the chemicals that you'll need for the excrement. Like, I don't know what costs you being here, but this is just hcl hydrochloric acid. Just like whatever chemicals you need are found and just coming here to do your thing and wait exit.