Giving you a tour around PSU
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I know, Look a little bit tired, but it's early in the morning. I can show you on my beautiful campus and also at the same time that you know the go to spots and the interior around campus and just assure you the beautiful buildings that we have. Yeah, the sleuthing aboutthe other buses that I take it tasted a Wal Mart. So even if you don't want to take the bus, is this a ten minute walk? Trust me. The reason is because it's close to the popular line shine, and I'll tell you all about that. Then I move on to other things that you would know about the interior part of Penn State movie here is Wreck Hole. So if you're living in West and the fancy house, like right there, you can see the white painting That's should be a sorority of Frat House is a risky Greek life clubs. It's all about brotherhood and sister, you want to bond will let consider people people like, if you want to join them, you can do that. Uh, that's a lot of work and yet appear certain fee of work and yet appear certain fee. Uh, if you're willing to be there just to be closer to a certain group or to be like you want to fit in in your group is sort of like trying so hard to be other people. You know, like I said, campus life is basically what you make of it. So you want to do this? You want to try that, give it a shot. However try and learning from other people who have done it before. So here I am in one of the most popular spots at Penn State. So if your graduate soon or you're just a freshman Oh, you know, just seeing you soon, General, you should defeat me. Take a picture with the line trying It has so much rich history as she like reading it right now. Um, and as you can see, is it? It's a tradition. There's a graduate students right here taking people's the line trying Penn State is a very old campus, was founded in eighteen fifty five and that Sony is like most popular word. Walks with France alone by yourself, but preferred with a group of people. It makes sense because in Single Mountain one unit, one family which is basically one of the basic principles a Penn State like being one family. It's so beautiful and you think, Imagine, take taking pictures right here. So if you kind of Penn State first thing you seek official line shine I'll have a couple of pictures that I'll show you later. This so Prince couples, children, young people basically post from Penn State studying. So it was romantic pictures and usually September living there be like a lot of flags around here to commemorate the people who lost their lives. Because once one time Could you Yeah, How, Like actual system to know in the class? Is that done, Like, time and stuff. Doma class? Well, I see you haven't our classroom. One thing I really love about Penn State is just the natural beauty around. Like I said, you really can't get enough of Penn State. Speaking of nature, you be seeing a lot of squirrels right here. Most students want to come and relax and his right nation of aquarium like, who doesn't want to see like little fishies, like something here and there. Stairs were old into entertainment happens, and also, students just want to sit and chill as it's legit. So if you have a group with dance around, he's upstairs. Oh, really? I didn't know that so well, Wanting a virtual tour for potential students want. Okay, So you want to tell us a little bit about your church group? Yeah. What does the M stand for, Missionary? Okay, So all of you want to be in touch with the spiritual side. You see these, uh, stolen blocks We were actually second to and the next You're fountain. He's probably on the base is gonna be here for our intuition like every single day. It's a really nice place that I love the hut. Club weak, like for all the times you want to join and like there's like about a thousand clubs you had Penn State. You don't even know what to choose, what to, not you.