Dorm essentials.mp4

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Erm essentials that I think you need to have must have our ah, throw blanket because personally, I'm really lazy. Sometimes when we don't want to make our beds in the morning, we will lay on top of them the night before and just use the throw blanket as our blanket, which I know it sounds really strange, but college sometimes you gotta get up early. Another college must have speaker sometimes if you want to play music while you're studying or mine's waterproof personally. So I like to take it in the shower and just kind of jam out. It's a really great stress reliever, and you can also enjoy the company of your friends in your room, maybe have a dance party, which I know me and my friends to all the time. Sometimes it's really nice because I skipped the gym. Is my workout Another dorm? Essential is a step stool, especially if you live in South because it's really hard to get on the bed. This is where all of so I've got shares home, right? It's really great late at night. If you're studying Lee and you need a snack, so my last dorm room essential would definitely be decoration. Do you see in the back I have my pictures, which are actually touched to string lights. I think you need to have decorations in your room because sometimes when you're at college, you khun B home away from home for long periods of time, and personalizing your room sometimes makes it feel much more homey. I know personally when I start to miss home, I just look at my pictures, which I also have over here on this wall, and it just reminds me of all my friends and family at home and just makes me feel better.