Penn State Week in My Life

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I'm gonna go brush my teeth and wash my face so I'll cut you guys in a minute. So if you guys did watch my last week when I think it might be slightly repetitive, but I don't know, you seem to really like it. Yeah, I'm gonna head to that any minute now. Yeah, I'm really running late, so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go to my three classes. Then after I'm done with that, I'm going to work out and shower and actually a biology class later today it's currently 1 30 I don't have bio until or so I have a little bit of time, so I'm just gonna do Ah, workout. I actually missed last week because if you watch my lost video like I was so stressed out last week, I didn't really have any time to work out. I have a bad habit if I don't work out for a week like, I'll make that trend and I, like, will stop working altogether. So you are all aware always break out into a rash when I'm warm. So between work out taking a hot shower, I am broken out in hives. Probably gonna sit like all right there and with no pants on and just grind out work because that's just what we're gonna do, given the fact that that is extremely boring. I don't really know I'm gonna do today. I'm probably just gonna get a lot of work done. Guys, it's actually like sleeping outside and, you know, whenever they cancel class slash school, I'm always like, Oh, my God, that means go out and do things And, like, wait, they cancelled school because it's actually like really should be outside me and my friend Christina, we're going to go on a photo shoot and we still might, but it's likes leading right now's not the best weather to do a photo shoot in. I really didn't think classes were gonna get canceled today, So I am very much thrown off. So I'm actually gonna go meet her for lunch, and we're gonna go on a little, many photo shoot. I'm not really sure how it's gonna go. I'm wearing Tim's with socks, like coming out of them because it's snowing and I need, like, decent shoes. Look a little prettier to do that, but it's just really cold outside, so I'm not really sure yet. Okay, um, have you guys had a great again? We're here in a psych class, and we did not do as well on the exam, is we hope, Because that's just a thing that John and I do with every single class ever. I'm gonna eat lunch, and then I actually volunteer, so I'm gonna be volunteering from 1 30 to 3 o'clock. So if you guys honestly, like, let me know if you guys want to see what I eat, I just need so one healthy that I figure that nobody really wants to see it because I literally live off of Roman pizza and pasta. I just went to the comments for dinner and had, like, pasta and pizza because, like I said, I literally actually live off of pasta and pizza like that's really all I so pretty much after that, I went to volunteer, came back, and I'm trying to be right now whether or not I'm gonna work out, I should work out. If I d'oh, I'm gonna win a little bit because I hate working out right after i e. It's like six o'clock right now. So you guys know in an hour if I'm going to work out or not. I don't really want to because I look weird because I just got back from the gym broken out in the hives. Then I'm just gonna work on homework until I go to bed, so I will see you guys in the morning. I'm actually gonna get ready for me day some still Benjamins. It's kind of not gonna make sense, but let me do brief explanation for my psychology class. You know what? Yet I should probably work out today. I'm not gonna work out to say that we're cut for tomorrow. I just got some studying done, and I think now I'm gonna go to the research thing. For Valentine's Day, I got Lizzie the champagne Gummy bears really awful. I'm looking egg right now, but it's fine Okay, So when you say I love you Good morning, guys. So I'm gonna work out with coconut oil in my hair because I'm in a shower after. That being said, I'm gonna do work out pretty soon, Julia, soon as I'm done filming this cliff. Then there's just one was like the single ring I would really love little dainty necklaces like those I think they're soak. Um, I think I'm gonna put one of these in her birthday gift for her too. Then I'm gonna shower, and that's pretty much gonna be the end of my day. Let me know what you guys wants you down below. Like if there's anything specific that you guys want me to fill.