Dorm Haul
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Feed on the head and say, I'm becoming another dorm. Whole thing is a 2nd 1 that I feel that just went out about pretty much the last thing I need to move into my dorm, which isn't about me. This video might be a little long because I have so many things. See a lot more college videos because once I get the college like you are going to be overwhelmed with calling you saying, Let's just get right on into the hole because we have a lot of things here. I'm just gonna kind of randomly show you things. Not really a dorm thing, but I'm definitely bringing into my dorm. I'm not gonna go to sue for a lot of detail of things and just kind of kind of show you, because I really don't want this video. Why not just get them for a dollar? I just got a lot of next. There are clear and so I don't know, they have still, but they're just, like, three different size frames. Get my friend got me on one of these little storage box things. I think this will have really cute on my desk, and I think it'll come in handy. I feel like that's only not a lot of people think to frame, but I can't send you. So it's probably best that does he push things? Next thing is big. Actually, I might be able to just show you the next thing I got in this huge box under. It's like this three shelf metal trying type thing. I don't know one of those things, but I think this will be a super cute. I don't have a bedside table, so I think it'll be nice to put there. I don't know things in completely different places I originally thought it would be. The next thing I got is this big, bloody back breast pillow. I just think it's really cute looking just, Yeah, I got one of these because it's gonna be really hot. It's from T. J. Maxx and it's super cute and I don't have air conditioning in my dorm. In my sister's car, it's still in there, and she's really live here. Just know that my number and number, the next thing I got were some coming in. The next dig out from Target is really write them, but it's a little ice cube tray and its thing, I mean, like I had I just had I also just got two notebooks I'm taking to class seven summers. The next thing I got is definitely gonna be difficult to shout. So I feel like I don't know if that's charging are warmer, but I think its target. The next thing I got were just some great sheets from Wheeler. I came are near me with going out of business, and I bought these for, like, 50 cents apiece because they really 90% off. So next I just bought some, like office supplies stuff, some correction tape, some normal tape, some paperclips in also a stapler. Like I said, classes and I have a kitchen in my dorm, so I didn't need a lot of like plates and bowls and stuff. I want to make stuff in the microwave, and I got all these things from the dollar store. I don't really know anything about printers, So yeah, I was another bad things from the dollar store paper towels, tissues, sponges, dishwashing soap paying garbage bags and also some paper plates. You really don't need to send extra money on, Say where you can and go to the dollar store for whatever my friends, we're definitely gonna be visiting on some of the weekend. So I got air mattress for when they say over Next, I got a mini character. The next thing I was also part of my friends get that she got me. I think it's super Q. And I like him obsessed with planners and calendars and everything about it. So I am in love with the last thing I got was definitely difficult to show, but it's just this full like mirror. I'm leaving in about a week and it's gonna be interesting. If you have already told me on Instagram and Twitter just right here, I also started selling a lot of clothes on Posh Mark. All the things were in the fall, but some of the things we're so that book should be up in a couple days and watching.