My daily routine
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I have a reum classes in them Ching Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I would advise you never to take area in class unless you're an early riser. I don't like waking up early, but I took a very long time to add in my classes. So those owners are available since the other ones were, like, taken like the liver names and all that stuff. Yeah, And I'm trying to be more organized now, as you know, a junior in my third year. Um, I added my professor's office hours, as you can see And on the weekends, many on Sunday. As you can see, there's a Miss Africa training. So I'm part of the beauty pageant, which will be happening next. Miss Angle a Holla me C Hi. I must see her back to you, Of course. Well, someone who wants to be really organized to schedule look like. If you want to remove the other stuff, the office hours and other daily stuff you have your classes there. Like I said, I'm just trying to be more than I saw it up to you. Ah, like I said, ever advise Don't scare your very, um, class unless you wake up early and always just, you know, start early to put in your classes because they they go away like, really fast, Like, really fast. Thirty a m bus, I guess quarter to eight a bad time. It takes fifteen minutes to go to each ability or maybe longer depending emitters. Just from here and his basic continue going straight. You see life sciences a hundred times You have your glasses in the first semester as an ark life one hundred times you thank me. Just keep going straight and sorry, that's actually possible lab. Which would be an hour to be physics Kim Bio lab's A usual hour or two or three? Yes. So once that's done, I hit home this because at the point they have something for you. A cruise when they can do any barbecue and even a place of your bond. Five cold, this office and here's like study areas and also the gym. It's pretty small suddenly like working out here. Fifty a. M. So on a Wednesday, same as Monday. Psychos pieces off Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Classes B C. The same time, same everything. Because you know, as a student, you have to, like, learn to save money. So if you don't want to go buy food at Starbucks or from Burger King just anywhere, like I could just come home and make a small breakfast. The day is actually cheaper and lake living off campus. Your rent is ready included with the bus pass so you can travel back home in bed and, you know, to school as many times as you want because the army charge for his writing.