Lindsey shows you "one of the prettiest buildings on campus"
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I also just I have to mention that behind me is one of the prettiest buildings in my campus. It's called the Millennium Science Center and it mistress, the coolest architecture there is. Then underneath right there, they always have the prettiest landscaping. That's just one of the things I like about Penn State in general, is that landscaping is always so pretty. Because we have a lot of student farmers and people who our school for that, so they do that is part of their class. I mean, we also do have people who are hired to do landscaping. A lot of the landscaping is actually done by students here, which I think is really cool. Here we have our own Penn State Arboretum, which are It's so pretty. I can't wait to show you that it's so fun to go there. A lot of students study there, which is actually a really good idea, especially like today, because it's so pretty out of like seventy degrees out. I don't know how it's October, but I'll show you the arboretum later. That was just something I had to show you because I'm always very appreciative of the landscape being here.