Leaving Names, off to Olson Audittorium

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Jim looks like it was in use is we're leaving there. I hope you got a good look of what we have is our fitness facility there. You know, every couple of years we really try to keep our equipment new and modern. So you always see new equipment coming out, being replaced those lockers or just put it in the last couple of years, as well as some of the other things. Some of those new treadmills ellipticals are also brand new here in the last year or two. Some of the other things that happened in that gym we have different classes that happened, for example, group acts in yoga, pallotti's, etcetera, so you can stop in for classes. They're typically led by feel you students or instructors as well. So they'll come in and leave it open class for any students. We typically have those three or four nights a week around seven o'clock or so. There's also different classes that happened in there. You must take a U one hundred class, which is kind of health and fitness, and they'll use that space is well for different workouts, some of the different activities and stuff they do with stretching and activities. So either is just a class going on in there as we were going by. So next we'll head over to our Olsen auditorium here. Olson is where we have some of the other facilities for our sports is where we have our valuable basketball games with indoor sports. We'll take a look over at our turf fields and then we'll keep going on, so stay tuned.