First Floor Library
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Come take a seat over here while we're chatting. Yeah, the library's three different floors inside of it. Each level is you go up, gets progressively quieter on the first lovely to have normal conversations, group meetings, projects, things like that by the second floor. It's just kind of quiet, talking whispers, things like that. Then at the very top floor, there's no talking whatsoever. So depending on how you study best, there's different places for you here on the first floor. We have a computer lab for students need to be printing projects, working on things as well. So are designed love hostile computers for those that are doing design work of this to include all the adobe programs, the different options. If you need to rent out camera equipment or things like that, you can get that their laptop speakers, etcetera. We have our economic advising for students that are looking for tutoring. There's dropping tutors for lots of different subjects. Have your study going to drop in the library get tutored one on one individually with current students studying that major. So when you go up to some of the other levels the library, we'll see what else is up there.