A Typical First-Year residence hall.

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So here we are in the Chinese wing of Hong International Hall. We just walk in to take a look here in the showroom. So this is a room that we show for prospective students when they come and visit campus. What I really like about this room is it's very, very standard for appealing. When it comes to showing showrooms, they'll show the abyss the biggest, the best, a room that we have on campus. What if you do come to peel you? So for some of these sort of rooms, this were in Hong, across is hint early. They have very, very similar layout rooms that we also have our new residence halls in student and Order algae, which is on upper campus as well that have a little bit even nicer rooms in this. If we take a look at some of the different options and we'll take a look at some of these rooms, all of them look pretty similar. So we have tingle, stat there that we were in the other day. There's Ordell Hall stew in Southall will take a look in one of those apartments a little bit later. Kreidler, sleeker and harsh dad. So harsh that probably the biggest rooms actually harsh Daddy used to be the only building appeal you when it was first PLC as I was mentioning earlier, all appeal, he was actually located on inside of hearts, that all of those resins holes in those rooms were actually buildings and they were classrooms. As we expanded and got bigger, they actually changed from being just a classroom into being a residence hall so harsh and is the only all female residents hall on campus. Every other residence hall on campus is kind of co gender. Typically, they're organized gender Bye bye, Wayne. So you'll have one wing of like men returning one of female returning or female first year etcetera. For example, in Hong International Hall, each of the wings are themes for a specific language or international honors in Hindi early, we also have our wing for creative expression, which is our credit expression hall. It was also a gender inclusive wing, and so for gender, non binary or individuals of any gender. They're welcome to stay in that way, actually stayed in the gender inclusive wing and tail staff my first semester, sophomore year. So I lived with other men, women and non binary individuals and so it was very inclusive on a great space that really didn't worry about gender. In student Ordell, we also have some different wings there as well. We have a wing for first generation students, identifies for generation. That's Richard's, which is explicitly focused on lgbtq community. I mean, other first in the family wings and some other diversity in justice, sustainability out wings that we have there. So there's lots of different options in terms of housing. When you come on campus, there will be one place for everybody, and there's multiple places and tingles. Dad, there's a lot of our sports teams are a lot of our language. Students live here in home, but ultimately there's a place for you to live on campus if you're interested in it. We have two upper division places on campus as well. One is Southall, which is more apartment style living. So we have two, four and six bedroom apartments in South Hall, and we also have our Kreidler Hall, which is more of the sweet style. So is living those have to be at least junior standing or twenty years old on to live in any of those upper division counting option. So there is guaranteed housing on campus all four years. Your appeal? You, if you're interested for me after my first couple of years, I did move off campus. The house will take a look at that price a little later, but yeah, this is kind of what it looks like if you were to live on campus. You know what? This computer is pretty ancient here. For some people that do have those desktop, that's the case. You know, for if you're looking to kind of coming appeal, you and I want to see some of those options. Yeah, that's what are what a typical room would be like here.