Towers and Classroom
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Okay, Y'All let's start off with Towers, The centre of Turbines campus. This's where so many class discussions, lectures and learning happens. Let's go check out a couple classrooms, so this is going to be a pretty classic classroom. We have blackboard on two of the sides, and you'LL notice that it's a pretty small classroom. The reason for that is our class sizes are generally pretty small. The teacher student ratio is about twenty to one, and that, for a college is awesome. It is very hard to come by educational settings nowadays that air that specific and individualized as a theater major might. Integrative studies classes are kind of a peek into the real world of education. They're on things such as the Cold War, China economic classes, geographic classes. It's kind of cool to feel like I'm in a really college environment. Even though my personal focus is super artistic, I think that's enough of the view of the classroom.