Ways to get involved in Student Organizations!
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Were you? I would take a few minutes, talked about some of the really cool things it could be involved in on campus. One of my favorite things is the amount of clubs we have. It is a really cool way to get connected within our community. A cz well, as make friends and Sergio community, which is really cool. I'm a part of four different clubs on campus, and, uh, again I'm a nursing major, So it's kind of intimidating. Sometimes when you tell people like, Yeah, I'm four clubs and I'm a nursing major and I working on campus job but also that also speaks thio. For the most part, they meet once a week, and it's an hour long meeting, Uh, which is awesome because again, cool way to get to know people on campus to be a part of the community. It's not a huge time Commitment s o with the four clubs. My part of I'm a proud kappas, which is a social group on campus. Awesome way to get to know some really solid Christian girls. We get a different activities for the school as well. Another one is cat, which is campus activities board. It is an organization that plane's events for our school. So we have big events, like Biggie at the beginning of semester, which is where we have upper costs, income and showcase their talents. Some of the most things move, um, my, um, to jokes or some really random things, like blow fire, Probably not that I wish they did, but that's another one that we also have this week, which is an amazing group where you get thio work mostly second semester and put on a few different events throughout the week. So you have my personal favorite is the Mr Bison Pageant, which is where you have guys go do goofy things and you raise money for an organization that we picked as a group with this week. By the end of that week, all the money we raised goes towards that organization. Um, right now we're gonna go and see if we can find some of the cultures. Emily More Brick Mitchell, Two of our coaches anymore is our senior co chair for cab and Brick Mitchell is our junior co chair for a blitz week. So what achieve you guys? His favorite things about your committees? Two of my favorite things about being an campus activities board is a community that builds on campus that creates events for soon to do on weekends so that they're able to hang out here, really plug in on campus. Another thing I love about being a cab is just that. We're going to showcase students talents and everyone gets to watch. It's fun to my favorite things about Blitz Week. Well, one, it's a whole week long, and so that's really fun, because this just like every night, something different to do. Hang out and meet more people and hang out, do things you like. Then the second thing is we raise money for organizations that we believe in and that we pick every year. That's all super cool, cause I shouldn't body really comes together to raise a lot of funds for a secretary of Awesome.