Men and Women's Dorms!

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Right now we're in W me with freshman girls dorm. I don't have a lot of pillows, because all necessary, Minimalists. Until and then we've got some pictures going on. My mugs, that I like this little like station thing. I saw this on the Internet, like on you, and I was like, I really want one. I was nervous that I'd be too big, but the room looks like it. So So you would say the rooms and Debbie in your pretty, like, pretty well sized. Yeah, each room comes with sink in a mirror and then usually, like one girl thing because, like, this is years, right? Right. Then her roommate takes the wardrobe, and then there's, like, drawers for each girl. There were eighty Storm his freshman guys Storm Mrs Match. Okay, what is with this diaper thing? Can you just explain this to you? A lot of storms have these, like in place. What all do you have in your room? Well, the new French worked out really well for me because I got the TV on the guests like you get a cinematic masterpiece. Have you feel like you really need that? I just had a freezer in my house, and I was like, Well, they stack so freezing, that's it Grille for in my ministry way on Thursdays. This is my bed on A friend of mine painted that for me like this. I'm not a woman, So Okay, what, uh, what is your favorite things? Well, everything about would be the rez life in age. You know, it's I feel like the lodge is, uh it's a really nice place to live, but Red's life atmosphere there just isn't this good? People don't have as much fun over there, and we have a hard on. Here's a really is also the head, Ari. He's got a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge about help you. OK, so what kind of stuff would that be? Well, we go out to the like B dubs or a shiny fast Michael bowling. Just so you know the guys in your hall pretty well, yes way. So if you're ever in a gene, your guy, you want a haircut where you go.