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So there's a lot of different things you can eat here versus It's always like full of people during lunch. Like right here, pizza station on DH, then go down here. There's like a subway style sandwich station here and there's deserts. Also home cooks out there and you go around important form, just like waffles. Charlotte, that waffle cereal and drinks and stuff like that. There's also a burger and a fry station that has talked with stuff like that, too. There's always a lot of people in here whether it's professors or students or groups that are visited campus. So it's always very exciting to see who's here. Which of your friends were here on? There's three different male plants. There's the two twenty meal plan one fifty meal plan and the two twenty meal plan comes with two hundred and twenty swipes upstairs on. Then it comes with money bison ducks down here, and then one hundred fifty swipes comes with a little bit less spice and bucks on that. If you know you're gonna be eating in the cafeteria a lot, you can get the unlimited plan. Doesn't come with bison bucks for like Starbucks. If you're gonna be in the caf a lot, that's the plane for you.