Study at the 18th Avenue Library!

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I'm at one of the main libraries at issue. It's called Eighteenth Avenue Library, formerly known as, and it has four floors and a basement that I'm going to show you guys. One thing that I really like about it is that it's open for twenty four hours, so yeah, let's go. So when you first come in to your left, there is a saying that's my sister. There is a study, um, area, and there's also a cafe. So no one really goes down to the basement to study? Um yeah, I'm taking the stairs up to the second floor, and then I'll show you guys around there. So this is what you see when you first walk into the second floor and I'm doing a voice over because I didn't really want disrupt the silence. There weren't a lot of students studying because it was a Saturday night. There aren't really study spots available on the third floor. What it is, but I think it's complications and stuff, and we're now approaching the fourth floor. This is like the hard core studying for really client. So I won't be able to say anything, but I'll show you guys around. I'm in a typical study room, and I'm a little embarrassed because people are looking at you wondering why I'm filming. The rest of the fourth floor is just typical booths and tables and books.