Chris talks about how MASSIVE OSU's campus is

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Right up here's business Campus, this is engineering Campus. Uh, here's the shoe and the our pack and the Lincoln fields for the our pack fields and the towers and then there's still more campus. Uh, this is this is all of kind of what's called Central Campus, this being North North campus, this being South campus, but together it's kind of central campus. Then there's West campus, which is across the river right here. That's all appear most people don't go out to West Campus unless their agricultural majors or something along those lines. Otherwise you're normally on Main campus like Central Campus. There's no way I'm going be able to cover every single building I just showed you because there's like a hundred. There's literally no way I could cover the entirety of campus in a single video and not have it be like three hours long, so recovering like the main campus is going to some of the main buildings on some of the campus is trying to make it as concise but also as informative and covering everything that I need Teo as possible.