Cassa Cole - Advice for Future NWIC Students
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I wanted to offer some words of wisdom for prospective students considering Northwest Indian College. Even though we're in the middle of the pandemic right now, there's still plenty of opportunities to contribute and collaborate and connect with the student body and the staff at the college. I would recommend joining a club or even starting a club of your own. There's a really easy process to do that I would recommend attending pre scheduled virtual events that we host online. Ah, favorite is the coffee and conversations that we have on Wednesdays. Ah, great way to just connect and get to know some of your fellow peers. I also recommend applying for a position on the student executive board. It's a great way to get to know staff, faculty and toe make connections with the student body. Is there some great ways to get involved? I would also recommend getting to know your advisor. Three advisers at N Wick are so helpful and make the journey of degree planning really simple. Get to know the faculty that works with the student connections program. They are a wealth of resource is don't be afraid to reach out. I would say lastly, come in with a new open mind and be ready toe.